Continuous Assessment Test
– II, October 2015
Fall Semester, 2015-2016
Course Code: CHY1002 Duration: 90 minutes
Course name: Environmental Science Max. Marks: 50
Class number: 5859 Slot: A2
Faculty name: U. Vijayalakshmi School: SAS
Answer ALL the Questions
(10X 5 = 50 Marks)
1. Identify the
human activites that have the greatest disruptive potential. Prepare a list of
trace elements and discuss their influence on human health.
2. Describe the
features of a mass burn incinerator and mention some of the problems
associated with incinerators.
3. The convention
for the protection of ozone layer depleting substances is started in the year
1987. What do you understand about this convention and how it will be helpful
to protect the environment?.
4. A chemical substance which is substituted by
chlorine and phenols is considered to be toxic. Justify your answer.
5. The energy
harvesting techniques from ocean are unique among others. Justify your
6. Suppose
hazardous chemicals are suspected to leaking from an old drum dumped near
your home. Outline the steps you would like to evaluate the site to clean.
7. Examine the
critical hypothesis of origin of solar system. Contrast the advantages and
disadvantages of photovoltaic cells and electric generation in converting
solar energy into electricity.
8. What do you understand about environmental
changes Vs emerging diseases.
9. Examine
whether each of the following represents point and nonpoint source of pollution:
fertilizer run off, thermal pollution from a power plant, urban run off,
sewage from a ship, and erosion sediments from deforestation. Which is more
difficult to control, nonpoint pollution or point source pollution? Why?
10. What
are the environmental responsibilities of industries and indicate their
adverse effect on nature.
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